Self improvement

How to Boost One’s Low Self-Esteem: A Factor of Self- Development

I always look down on myself...

High and low self-esteem: a factor of self-development

Self-esteem is what an individual views and perceives about his or her self. If you have high self-esteem which implies that you are confident with yourself, the outcome would be your disposition in life is somewhat positive and prevailing, thus impacting how you relate to others. Having low self-esteem is not good and the complete opposite of the first one, hence social capabilities are also greatly affected. This is one important area to dwell on with relation to self-development.

Focusing much attention on self-esteem is very critical, for it is believed to be the root or cause for a person to limit his or her ability to do things, interact with other people and achieve total happiness. An individual with low self-esteem doesn’t see good things about himself; he is not glad to be who he is. The core of self-development would teach us how to achieve satisfaction with oneself.

Positive thinking to attain self-development and lift self-esteem

When asked to describe yourself, are you often ashamed and mostly have nothing to say? That would be the case if you do not know yourself well and you are focused on your weaknesses instead of your strengths and good points. When you look in the mirror, you will see a unique and wonderful creation. You have good features that you might not notice or just need to be revealed and enhanced.

Your low self-esteem pushes you to think of negative things about yourself, wherein you can see nothing but flaws; disregarding the big picture and only seeing a small dot. You can do a simple routine every morning when you wake up. Face the mirror and say: “I am beautiful. I’m strong. I can do it!” This is not a spell, nor will a miracle happen, but it will definitely affect your mood for the day. Remember, it’s all in the mind. When you think positive, the confidence level will increase and you will feel happy about yourself.

Self-development implies working on your weaknesses to boost low self-esteem

Everyone has weaknesses; no one is perfect, and this only signifies the basis of being a human. However, this might somehow affect your self-esteem in a way that it will affect how you act, how you think and how you socialise if you don’t know how to handle and counter efficiently.

You might not be aware that these weaknesses could change and bring something good to you. For instance, the criticisms from other people; you may strengthen your low self-esteem when you can handle it and know constructive criticisms may build you up and damaging criticisms may somehow push you to do better; you are not that person they are making you believe you are, hence you are leading your way into righteous self-development.


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