Self improvement

Knowing who you are

try something new
Image by Getty Images via @daylife

When you look at yourself in the mirror, who do you see?  Do you see a self- defined person or do you see someone who is defined by people around you or circumstances affecting your life?


How do you get in touch with who you are?


Don’t be afraid to express your opinion.  Who you are is better known when you express your own opinion.  When you find yourself in situations where you need to take a stand, do you just go with the flow and decide in favour of the majority or do you decide on your own?  It is important that in whatever situation you are in, you must be true to yourself and know where you stand.  It won’t help to conceal your opinion within you.  Everyone has the right to his or her own opinion and so do you.  The result may not always be in your favour, but, the bottom line is, at least you allowed yourself to be who you are.


Don’t be afraid to try something new.  A part of knowing who you are is trying out things that you are not used to.  If you are used to having long hair all your life, why not have a haircut?  It may be a liberating experience.  Who knows, it might make you evenlook better.  Don’t allow yourself to be boxed in, simply because that is what you are used to and that is what other people expect of you.  Why not try something new and give yourself the benefit of finding out what suits you most.  You might be surprised to uncover something more each day about who you are.


Look for other ways of expressing yourself.  Your current job does not define who you are and it is not the only thing that you may be good at.  A part of knowing who you are is to look for other things that you may excel in.  Why not try singing, dancing, playing a musical instrument or writing a poem?  Who knows, you might have a hidden talent waiting to be discovered.


Taking care of yourself does not only mean keeping yourself physically healthy,it also means treating yourself right, getting to know more of who you are and loving yourself.  It is only possible when you know how get in touch with yourself.  The quest of unveiling who you are may be a lifetime journey, but it is certainly worth it.


Who you are is defined by the choices you make each day and how you carry yourself in situations that you encounter.  Remember that you only have one life to live and your life is a gift that needs to be taken care of.  Live your life, love yourself and live happily.  Each day is an opportunity to know yourself more, an opportunity to decide to live happily, so make the most of it.


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Self improvement

Improving yourself. Starting anew.

Image via Wikipedia

Are you unhappy with certain aspects in your life?  Do you have anything in your life that you want to change?  A bad habit perhaps, a bad diet or simply a negative perspective?We all have things or qualities that we want to change in ourselves.  Choosing to change does not mean that you are a bad person or that you have a bad life.  Change means choosing to do something that will make you feel better, happier and will make you a better person.

Some people choose to make changes in their lives during the New Year.  Are you one of those people who write New Year’s resolutions and end up writing the same things over and over again every year?  Guess what, most of the people who condition themselves to do just that, end up starting from square one every New Year’s day.  So why wait for the New Year when you can start now?  You can change anytime you want to, if you are really up to it.

Here are some tips that may help you with your goal:

  1. Identify the thing that you want to change.  Identifying the habit, the attitude or the perspective that you want to change in yourself is the first step to self-improvement.


  1. Be realistic.  There may be a lot of things that you want to change in yourself.  Don’t go overboard and be realistic.  The success of your mission will greatly depend on how realistic and achievable your goals are.


  1. Know your purpose.  Do you want to change this habit for self-improvement?  Or do you want to change it because another person wants you to?  Knowing your purpose is just as important as choosing to change.  This will determine how you would go about your change. Aside from that, a clear purpose will serve as motivation for you to continue with your goal. You might have a clear goal in mind, but a questionable purpose might make things complicated in the end.  Remember, changing yourself must come from yourself and not because it is what other people want you to.


  1. Acceptance.  After deciding on what you want to change, accept it.  People who are constantly in denial that there is something that needs to be changed in their life end up back where they started.  To accept that you need to change is to brace yourself for what will come next.


  1. Act now.  There is no better time to act than now.  Remember, yesterday is past, tomorrow might never come, and today is here so make the most of it.


  1. Enjoy the ride.  The journey to self-discovery and self-improvement does not happen with just a snap of the finger.  This journey might take a few days, a few months or even years.  The most important thing is for you to make the most of this road trip andto enjoy every moment.


  1. Be open to changes.  Not every plan is fool-proof.  What you thought was best for you a few days ago might not be good for you now.  Learn to adjust to the situation and be open to re-evaluate yourself.  As long as the diversion will lead to a better you, embrace it.

There are no definitive rules that will guarantee the success of self-improvement.  There is no authority that can dictate everything that you need to do.  Your life is what you make it and the choices you make will reflect on what you want for yourself.  Self-improvement is not an easy task, most especially if the change you want will break what you have already established as a routine.

Go on and make a step toward self-improvement.  The road may be less travelled, but in the end, the journey will prove to be priceless.


Self improvement

Building self-confidence

Self-confidence is the state of mind where you feel comfortable and assured with yourself.  Self-confidence and arrogance are two different things.  Self-confidence is knowing your capabilities, while arrogance is revealing your capabilities and importance to the extent of exaggeration.

How confident are you with yourself?  Can you easily express yourself or do you easily shy away and do not believe in your abilities?

Here are some points to ponder on how to build self-confidence:

Building self-confidence
Image via Wikipedia

1.         Be positive about yourself.  Most people who lack self-confidence talk to themselves negatively.  When you look at yourself in the mirror, what do you tell yourself?  Do you take notice of the negative things about yourself more than the good things?  If so, then it is time to STOP.  Remember, no one can love you more than yourself.  Negativity is one of the biggest causes of low confidence.  Try to see the brighter side of yourself.  Remember, nobody is perfect.  Everyone has his or her own flaws, but they need not hinder you from going on with your life.  When you get used to positive self-talk, the more it will come natural to you and it will make you feel good about yourself.

2.         Prepare yourself.  Do you lack self-confidence because you are unprepared?  Let’s take public speaking for example.  Some people lack self confidence in speaking in a large crowd because they are not prepared for what they are going to do.  Lack of preparation will certainly give you cold feet, most especially if you are going to address a big crowd.  But if you are prepared with what you are going to say, memorising it by heart, things will eventually fall into place and you’ll be able to deliver your lines flawlessly.

3.         Visualisation.  To be able to have self-confidence, it is very important to see yourself in a situation that you will be entering into.  Imagine yourself in the situation that you are preparing for.   If you are in a band, for example, visualise yourself playing in front of the crowd.  It will help keep the jitters at bay.

Self-confidence and self-empowerment is very important in our daily lives.  Finding courage in yourself is a liberating experience that will make you happier.  So what are you waiting for?  Act now.  Accept yourself, love yourself and believe in what you can do.   You will never know what you can do if you don’t give it a try.  And in case you fail, don’t fret.  Each day brings another opportunity to improve yourself.  There is no harm in trying.  Self-confidence will bring out the greatness that is deep within you, waiting for you to uncover it.


Self improvement

Self improvement. Starting a new you.


Self improvement
Image by photoverulam via Flickr

Self improvement will change your life

When starting self improvement you may ask your self the following questions. Are you unhappy with certain aspects in your life? Do you have anything in your life that you want to change? A bad habit perhaps, a bad diet or simply a negative perspective? We all have things or qualities that we want to change in ourselves. Choosing to change does not mean that you are a bad person or that you have a bad life. Self improvement means choosing to do something that will make you feel better, happier and will make you a better person.
Some people choose to make changes in their lives during the New Year. Are you one of those people who write New Year’s resolutions and end up writing the same things over and over again the following year? Guess what, most of the people who condition themselves to do just that, end up starting from square one every new year’s day. So why wait for the New Year when you can go through a self improvement process now? You can change anytime you want to, if you are really up to it.

Here are some tips that may help you with your self improvement goal:

  1.   Identify the thing that you want to change. Identifying the habit, the attitude or the perspective that you want to change in yourself is the first step to self-improvement.
  2.   Be realistic. There may be a lot of things that you want to change in yourself. Just don’t go overboard, be realistic. Self improvement is not something that you can just wish for. The success of your mission will greatly depend on how realistic and achievable your goals are.
  3. Know your purpose. Do you want to change this habit for self improvement? Or do you want to change it because another person wants you to? Knowing your purpose is just as important as choosing to change. This will determine how you would go about your change. Aside from that, a clear purpose will serve as a motivation for you to continue with your goal. You might have a clear goal in mind, but a questionable purpose might make things complicated in the end. Remember, self improvement must come from yourself and not because it is what other people want you to.
  4.  Acceptance. After deciding on what you want to change, accept it. People who are constantly in denial that there is something that needs to be changed in their life end up where they started. Self improvement is accepting that you need to change and to brace yourself for what will come next.
  5.  Act now. There is no best time to act than now. Remember, yesterday is past, tomorrow might never come, today is here so make the most of it.
  6.  Enjoy the ride. The journey to self-discovery and self-improvement does not happen with just a snap of the finger. This journey might take a few days, a few months or even years. The most important thing is for you to make the most of this road trip and to enjoy every moment.
  7.  Be open to changes. Not every plan is fool proof. What you thought of as the best technique to self improvement a few days ago might not be good for you now. Learn to adjust to the situation and be open to re-evaluate yourself. As long as the diversion will lead to self improvement, embrace it.

There are no definitive rules that will guarantee the success of self improvement. There is no authority that can dictate everything that you need to do. Your life is what you make it and the choices you make will reflect on what you want for yourself. Self improvement is not an easy task most especially if the change you want will break what you have already established as a routine.

Go on and make a step toward self improvement. The road may be less traveled, but in the end, the journey will prove to be priceless. It will also lead you to stress free living.

Self improvement

Stress Free Living

Stress free living
Image by Getty Images via @daylife

Stress is a reality that we all face but stress free living is possible. Some reasons for stress may be unnecessary, but still, it is an inevitable part of our daily life that each of one of us must learn how to deal with. You can learn how to have a stress free living if you follow the recommendations below.

There are a lot of things that causes stress and it differs depending on the person encountering it. Here are some examples of stressors: Tons of work waiting to be done and not having enough time doing them; Bills that just keeps on coming; Demands of your career or family.

Stress cannot be prevented but it surely can be managed. You need not spend a fortune to be able to have a  stress free living. The answer as to how to manage it is just under your nose.

Stress Free living is achievable

Here are some important things to find out before you can start stress free living:

1. Know what makes you stresses out. Identifying the source of your stress is the first step in managing it. To be able to identify it, you must look closely at how you live your daily life: your habits, attitudes or routines. It also helps to have a diary where you can log your the activities that cause you stress.
2. How do you cope with your stress? Some people deal with stress in an unhealthy ways which makes matters much worst. Examples of unhealthy attitudes are smoking, alcohol drinking, taking pills or drugs, over eating or seclusion.

Here are some suggestions that will help you to have a stress free living.

• Avoid unnecessary stress. One particular example of things that stress people are additional responsibilities on top of what you already have. This may be dealt with by simply saying “no” if you know you can’t handle additional work or take time to check your to-do-list and distinguish must dos and should dos to help you prioritize what are necessary and what can be bumped off.

• Rework the situation. When you feel stressed because you often conceal what you feel inside, then express yourself and make your feelings be heard. That way, you relieve yourself from being stressed out.

• Adjust to the stressor. If you can’t change the situation that gives you stress, why not look at it in a different perspective. Positivity goes a long way. Looking at the brighter side of things will certainly help.

• Accept the things that cannot be changed. One of the greatest stressor is having yourself in a situation where you keep fighting things that you cannot change. One classic example is how other people think. It is an uncontrollable thing because you cannot change how others think just to conform to how you think. Accepting the person and trying to work things out will do good rather than get stressed over it.

• Laugh, Play and Have fun. There is an inner child within you waiting to be freed once in a while. How long has it been when you last laughed your heart out like what you used to do when you were a child? Amidst all the stress in life, everyone must give themselves time to take a break and you are no exemption. Playing may help relieve your stress. There is nothing wrong with playing even if you are already grown up.

• Express yourself. When was the last time you have done something that you really like? Often times than not, people get caught up in their busy lives and end up being frustrated. One of the possible reasons is that they don’t get to do what they would like to do. Whether it is singing, dancing, playing a musical instrument, writing a poem, or simple curling up and reading a book, giving yourself time to do the things you like to do will certainly make you feel happy, thus, it is a way of relieving stress.

Stress Free living can be achieved following the above advice

Stress free living is not a rocket science that has exact methods that we all need to follow. Since we all respond to stress differently, the solution in stress management differs for each one. All you have to do is to find what fits you. Remember, our life is too short and too precious to waste on worries and stress. Learning how to manage the things that makes your life stressful is half way in living a happier life. Stress free living is achievable with self improvement.